Education is the key to success
and growth for any nation. In today’s technology driven world, it is compulsive
for any nation to edify its younger generation in order to compete with the
rest of the world. Every nation is striving for the excellence and expertise in
modern education. When talking about education, universities played an unparalleled role in edifying the masses and satisfy the needs of students. In
modern world, universities are considered as the mother of knowledge and well
being of students.
In developed countries, universities
are granted massive subsidies and incentives on government level in order to
achieve the maximum output from them. Students are patronage by universities
and government which is seen as a nation’s investment for future. In our
country there are too few institutes that are serving the cause. However, Preston
University is one such institute which is serving the need of providing latest
advancement and edifying the thirst of students. The University is being called
as Diploma mill by its rivals mainly due to the number of students getting
graduated each year. However, this diploma mill tag can be seen as a compliment
for Preston University, an institute that is well reputed and honored in the
younger generation.